  • 01Mar

    CMS: Calming More Stress with a Content Management System

    01 March 2009   Adam     0 Comments

    What do you know about a content management system [CMS]? Simply put, a CMS is like installing Microsoft Word on your website. With it, you and your staff can change many elements of your website, including the copy and images. You can also add or rename buttons, upload videos, even add or delete whole pages!

    "Why," you ask, "would I want to give myself more work to do? My plate is full enough, thanks!"

    While having a CMS is certainly not necessary for every website, it can provide several real benefits. With it, you can:

  • 31Mar

    Smile... You're On the World Wide Web!

    31 March 2009   Adam     0 Comments

    So, is a picture really worth a thousand words? If the picture's on your website, it could be worth ten times that many.

    Considering that the average visitor spends less than a minute on your website, the design of your site needs to quickly and easily communicate who you are and what you do. When you have a small window of time to say, "I am a friendly, thoughtful, customer-service-oriented business with happy customers," good quality images may be the perfect way to do it!