
5 Things to Consider When Redesigning Your Website in 2017

24 February 2017   phil     0 Comments

In a digital world complete with fast-moving technology and trendy apps, there aren't many constants when it comes to online mediums. New hotspots and methods come and go every year but one thing still remains true in 2017: Your website is STILL your brand's best and often first impression In the era of the Snapchat and the Live video, your business will still be judged immediately and often by what consumers and followers see when they click a link and your site loads up for the first time.


Embracing New Technology

20 November 2015   Kristen     0 Comments

"What new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done." -Tim O'Reilly 

Businesses sometimes have a hard time adopting new technologies like social media, mobile optimization, analytics tools or customer management systems. There are a lot of reasons why businesses struggle with this, but the truth is that in order to make business improvements, new technologies have to be a part of the plan. Today we'll go over some of the reasons why businesses aren't keeping up technologically and give some advice on how to overcome those hurdles.


Instagram Contests and You

22 September 2015   Kristen     0 Comments

Are you on Instagram? Why not? And if you are, have you run a contest yet?

Instagram contests (as long as you have enough followers) (by the way you should totally follow us on Instagram! @gladworks! GO!) are a lot of fun for both you and your clients. GLAD WORKS has spent the summer running one for a very special client. Here's what we did and how you can do it too!


The Lowdown on the Showdown Between Adobe Flash and HTML5

18 February 2015   Kristen     0 Comments

Adobe Flash has been the standard that has animated the web since the early days. But now, it's showing some security vulnerabilities as well as some cumbersome and outdated functionality. Many websites still rely on it, but is it time to say goodbye to the old standby in favor of something a little more nimble like HTML5? 

A record player vs. and iPod


Wearable Tech is Even More Refreshing than New Socks!

27 January 2015   Kristen     0 Comments

Just when you thought you were up to date on everything now that your website is mobile friendly, think again! Enter wearable tech: the next big thing that marketers are going to be wrapping their heads around in the near future. Don't worry if you're overwhelmed at the thought. Everyone panics a little when some disruptive new technology starts smashing things up, but this is actually a really exciting time. Let's dig in and see what potentially lies ahead. 


Are Free Websites Too Good to be True?

07 January 2015   Kristen     2 Comments

We've all seen the advertisements on television for free custom websites. They feature shiny happy small business owners talking about how amazing their new free website is and how they got professional copywriting, state-of-the art design, promotion, hosting, support and maintenance all without paying a single penny. Does it sound too good to be true? That's because it is. Here's why.


Turning SEO into $EO

19 November 2014   Kristen     0 Comments

If you’re an agent, a contractor, a consultant, or even a small business owner, you’ve undoubtedly dipped a toe into online marketing and lead generation. As the Internet has evolved, so have its requirements for staying current and rising above the signal to noise ratio. 

From having a top-level domain name to being present on current social media networks, the bar to be seen online is constantly rising. Investing in a solid SEO strategy can do more than just get you noticed, it can get you business!


Why Apple Can Never Be The Way it was When Steve Jobs was In Charge

30 September 2014   Kristen     0 Comments

Many people have been coming down on Apple lately, calling it a "Haunted Empire" that's doomed in the post Jobs era. We think this is unfair. Tim Cook is a different person with a different management style. He's also inherited a lot of problems left behind by Jobs. Yes, Apple as it is right now is not the hot racecar tearing up the track that it once was, but nothing can keep up that kind of intensity forever. Right now, they're taking a bit of a pit stop, keeping that car idling while developing the next big, huge, awesome idea. Apple is loaded with some of the most brilliant people alive. Something big will happen.


Can Technology Make Us Happier? GLAD WORKS Says: "YES!"

09 September 2014   Kristen     0 Comments

Frank Coletta, the news anchor on NBC 10 News Sunrise and NBC 10 News at Noon calls technology "dastardly computers."  Many of us would agree that computers and other technologies can indeed be "dastardly" at times and frustrate us to no end when things don't work correctly. But, it can also be argued that technology can make us tremendously happier too.

So to test this theory out, we gathered the gang together to see what kinds of technology makes their lives easier, healthier or happier and today we're sharing what they had to say.


The GLAD WORKS Team Talks About What They Like in a Website

08 July 2014   Kristen     0 Comments

A few weeks ago we did a roundup of our favorite apps. We asked the team to share with us the apps they found really useful, and the crowd went wild!  So today we thought we'd share with you what we each like in a website. From design to functionality and content, each team member has a cool site they'd love to share with you. Check them out!  You might get some inspiration for your next site redesign!
