
Taco Bell Wins the World Series

Still full from lunch? Not hungry for dinner yet? Then go grab a free taco from Taco Bell during the inconvenient hours of 2-5pm on October 30th. While you’re there, feel free to drink a soda, or order a gordita…or six. Taco Bell found a PR goldmine in its advertising “gamble” to give away free tacos to America if any player stole a base in any game of the World Series. In Game 2 on October 25th, everyone’s wishes came true when Red Sox rookie Jacoby Ellsbury stole second, and consequently Taco Bell stole the stage.

“Every year we're looking for a way to raise the bar," said Taco Bell spokesman Will Bortz. According to Nielsen Monitor-Plus, Taco Bell—a World Series sponsor since 2002—spends $5.6 million on advertising in the World Series, and plans to give away less than $1 million in free tacos. This novel giveaway stole extended air time and plugs for Taco Bell, including forged conversations from players in the dugout.

Advertising Age reports, “If each of 6,000 locations gives away three tacos a minute for about three hours, Taco Bell would give away a maximum of 3 million tacos. [It’s] estimated they cost Taco Bell about 20¢, making the maximum total cost about $700,000.” This was a low-risk chance the chain was more than happy to take. The fast food chain is counting on its customers to buy a higher margin of sodas and other products while they’re in the stores, which would more than cover the cost of the free tacos.

The good news is that for the first time in baseball history, the losing team won’t go home empty-handed…the Colorado Rockies are also entitled to free tacos.